The borderlands are always a political ecology, made of many species, human and nonhuman, who make the border space. What are the ecologies of the border? In what ways do the mobility of other species, and the mobility regimes intended to govern them, constitute a distinct border practice? Conservation, quarantine, disease, agriculture, migrations – who or what can border?

Interspecies Politics and the Global Rat: Ecology, extermination, experiment

Rafi Youatt, 2022, Review of International Studies

Interspecies Politics: Nature, Borders, States.

Rafi Youatt, 2020. University of Michigan Press.

From the human to the planetary: Speculative futures of care.

Miriam Ticktin, 2019. Medicine, Anthropology, Theory. 6(3):133-160.

The Elephant’s I: Looking for Abu’l Abbas. 

Radhika Subramaniam. 2018. In Animal Biography: Re-framing Animal Lives.  Edited by André Krebber and Mieke Roscher.  London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Radhika Subramaniam. 2017 Star 82 Review, Issue 5.2, Summer/June.

Anthropocentrism and the Politics of the Living.

Rafi Youatt, 2017. In Reflections on the Posthuman in International Relations, Eroukhmanoff and Harker, eds.