Photo credit: ©ar/ge kunst, Foto Tiberio Sorvillo, 2019

Photo credit: ©ar/ge kunst, Foto Tiberio Sorvillo, 2019


Multiple Mobilities Research Cluster collective exhibition, in Hostile Environments exhibition, 11-21-2019 to 2-8-20, curated by Lorenzo Pezzani

Imaginative Mobilities

Supported by a Mellon Sawyer award, the “Imaginative Mobilities” seminar (2017-19) led by Victoria Hattam and Miriam Ticktin, along with Tony Dunne and Fiona Raby, in which Laura Liu and Radhika Subramaniam participated as fellows, re-imagined the meaning and design of borders, by bringing art and design into conversation with contemporary social research.

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Multiple Mobilities Research Cluster, (Miriam Ticktin, Radhika Subramaniam, Victoria Hattam, Laura Liu, Rafi Youatt) (2017), Anthropology Now, 9:3, 24-37